Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Strange days indeed!

It's been a weird one.  I tell ya. My day started with the usual school drop off and plans to do general things of awesomeness etc and ended with me questioning every theory I had on raising my boys. Being that my blog is about decor and design and not about parenting, the Education System and/or smug fools that think they know better...I will keep this short.  Someone who holds a very influential position in my eldest Sons life made a decision that I deemed was not in his best interests.  I questioned it. They didn't like it and reacted in a completely unexpected manner. It totally discombobulated me (God, I love that word). I chewed it over, sweated on it and generally let it take over and this afternoon I went back to talk it out and came away knowing two things.  1. you can't teach old fools, new fools or any other kind of fools new tricks, old tricks or anything else for that matter and 2. who knew my kid was a maths genius!!

So...back to business.

Laguiole Cutlery is the bomb!!
Best place to get it is from Peters of Kensington.

I love every last thing in this image.
There is nothing about it that I don't completely love.

Anchor wallpaper.  Ahh, yes please!

And since today was partially ruined by 'Smugsy Malone' I counteracted all the negativity with a big dose of Neon Trees.  I love these cats...and discovered today that Tyler Glenn is on Insta.  Who isn't!

A semi-cryptic blog post coupled with some great decor eye candy some good beats is all the therapy this gal needs.  It's getting dark, the chickens are all back in the nest and I'm about to fire up the new ethanol burning fireplace and start dinner.  It sounds all very 'Suzie Homemaker' but keep in mind I am wearing K Mart pants, the boys will inevitably crack into a huge fight at any moment and I can't  cook.

Bye for now.

Joydee xx

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